Auteur Sujet: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !  (Lu 29557 fois)

Hors ligne GASKA

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #30 le: 03 septembre 2007, 16:58:19 »
ca ca veut dire pas de pk3 arme, freezetag, ou des trucs du genres tétra, non?
si c'est ca ils peuvent se le foutre au cul leur airborn  :evil:

Hors ligne roux

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #31 le: 03 septembre 2007, 17:57:56 »
omg, pas de Freeze Tag donc j'achète pas  ;D
Team mohaa<{Gd@}> =>
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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #32 le: 03 septembre 2007, 18:51:50 »
Tous sur COD4

 :arrow:  - je connais la []
C'est un devoir de mémoire

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #33 le: 03 septembre 2007, 20:40:36 »
Le multijoueurs comportera que 12 joueurs mais je pense que grâce à un futur patch, on pourra jouer à plus de 12, avec un second avion au derrière  :) Bientôt de nouveaux screens, informations, ...

Hors ligne GASKA

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #34 le: 04 septembre 2007, 09:21:12 »
Citation de: "roux"
omg, pas de Freeze Tag donc j'achète pas  ;D
non non mais si on peut pas customiser ce nouveau medal à souhait comme on le faisait pour l'ancien avec les millions de pk3 , peu de monde va y trouver son compte ......

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #35 le: 04 septembre 2007, 09:44:22 »
Y a justement trop de mods sur mohaa  :( que du Freeze-Tag ou du snipe only....Beaucoup ne jouent plus en soirée ou bien vont sur les serveurs étrangers
Team mohaa<{Gd@}> =>
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Hors ligne GASKA

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #36 le: 04 septembre 2007, 10:20:24 »
Citation de: "roux"
Y a justement trop de mods sur mohaa  :( que du Freeze-Tag ou du snipe only....Beaucoup ne jouent plus en soirée ou bien vont sur les serveurs étrangers
lol oui je confirme nous on est tres souvent le soir sur notre serveur FreezeTag Rifle Only  :)

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #37 le: 04 septembre 2007, 12:29:26 »
nous on a que des serveur freeze-tag on adôôôôre le freeze ;D

sinon pour répondre au message sur le fait de patcher 10 jours aprés la sortie c'est bien normal, sa fait un moment que le jeu est partie à la presse pour être dispo dans les magasins.
Team {_T.D.G.V_}

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #38 le: 24 septembre 2007, 19:57:35 »
Je viens d'aller jouer en online , et j'ai vu un server dedie mais impossible de me connecter , version pas identique apparement  :D

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #39 le: 24 septembre 2007, 20:54:35 »
oui moi aussi ! il faut le patch pour y acceder !

il est marquer genre : 1er server dedie test

un truc ainsi

Hors ligne Letones

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #40 le: 24 septembre 2007, 21:00:54 »
J en ai vu trois personnellement . Surement des serveurs tests. Ca va pô tarder maintenant  :)

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #41 le: 24 septembre 2007, 23:11:46 »
ce qui me fait chier pour l'instant c'est que tase n'est pas a jour ! ou un autre programme

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #42 le: 24 septembre 2007, 23:47:03 »
vous avez des ip de ces serveurs ?

aucun n'apparait chez game monitor  :)
Team mohaa<{Gd@}> =>
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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #43 le: 24 septembre 2007, 23:47:40 »
Helas non  :o

Hors ligne roux

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Re: Medal of Honor Dedicated Server Retard !
« Réponse #44 le: 25 septembre 2007, 00:08:08 »
rien sur les autres forums, du moins en jetant vite fait un oeil  ;D  aparemment, ca modère pas mal sur le forum officiel d'EA  ;D

par contre, des extrait de propos de BlackHat qui renseigne le forum d'EA

Citation de: "BackHat"
First, I never said the patch was for sure due out this week. I said that I was hoping it would be out this week. This is why I hesitate to say ANYTHING, because people decide that it's all definitive and that I promised something. Then they complain when I don't do daily updates and such.

Right now, we found a couple bugs over the weekend, as well as a potential fix for one of the errors we've been seeing a lot in the fixes thread. Engineers were working late Friday night and all weekend to chase them down and fix them. Obviously, this pushes things back a tad, but I'm hoping not very far, as the guys worked through the weekend on it. As soon as I know the date the patch will be releasing, I'll let you guys know. I promise.

Citation de: "BackHat"
Those are the servers we're doing our testing on. The update that I can give you is in the post above. We're still working on clearing out the bugs we found over the weekend, and testing that.

Citation de: "BackHat"
It still might BE this week. Now it's all depending on how we close out today. I'm not saying it's not this week, I was merely pointing out that I hadn't promised it would be this week for sure. I've given you the updates I can for the time being. When I have more to update you on, I absolutely will. Friday evening was a bunch of bad timing and me needing to run out at the last minute for personal stuff.

Citation de: "BackHat"
They're not for open beta testing. They're just on the same network as the public servers for the time being.

Citation de: "BackHat"
I understand how a lot of you guys feel. I really do. And I communicate that to the developers every single day. They get it as well. We're actively chasing these issues to get this patch out ASAP. Are we in the perfect situation right now? No, we're probably not, but all we have is the ability to look at where we are, and what we do from here. That's what we're doing. Our engineers are hammering away on the bugs and issues you've all submitted, and are trying to find fixes to them. We may have found one of the crash fixes on Friday, but we'll need to dig deeper on it.

Additionally, and this continues to surprise me, a TON of the error reports we're getting are from people who either are running cracked versions of the game, or who's systems don't meet the system specs. That makes it twice as difficult to get to the REAL problems, because the report volumes are twice as big as they should be. We have to dig through error reports from people who are either pirating the game or who didn't read the system specs before buying. That means it takes us twice as long to get to the people that have LEGITIMATE problems getting the game to run - things we can fix. You think it's frustrating for you, imagine it over here. We WANT to get these things resolved ASAP, but are continually trudging through error reports we shouldn't be having to dig through.

thread  complet
Team mohaa<{Gd@}> =>
Team cod2|ELN| =>
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