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Messages - vol 2

Pages: [1]
Présentation des membres / Re : Hello a tous !
« le: 05 septembre 2012, 23:58:33 »
Oh, brand new alias with hack by john killforce: MULTIHACK Number with ratio 25:1

Last use 2 september.... gratulation. No respect for fucking cheaters!

Présentation des membres / Re : Re : Hello a tous !
« le: 05 septembre 2012, 23:45:46 »
Vol 2 j'ai un grand respect pour toi car quand tu te fige tu vise extremement bien. seulement des que tu bouge , tes nuls , un peu comme thedubs d'ailleurs !..

Présentation des membres / Re : Hello a tous !
« le: 05 septembre 2012, 23:44:28 »
I dont speak french, so write in english or go to hell with your all hacks!

jeste? pierdolonym Nood polskiego jako 60% z gry .. ?mierdzisz gówna jak wszystkie niemieckiego obozu i akcja Making GL nic nie wiesz
O, and everybody can see what kind of guy you are. Now I know, you brave french pussy with hacks for 30 usd, that you are cheater without honor. I dont respect you, i can piss on you. And it is shame for me that I had you in my buddy list. Cheater on my buddy list, crap!

And I dont care if you have hacks on you 4 aliases, i dont care if john killforce is clean. Cheater is always cheater. I play in FPP since battlefield 2 and i am sick of you, cheaters. You think that you spend 30 usd and you are ruller of the world???

You wrote earlier, that you have hacks only for bashing noobs with hacks. So why I played against you (you were ussing anger of volwes) when on serwer there wasn't any other cheater, only you?????
You finished round with 100:6 and you were happy!!! You wrote that you haven't cheat, only skill!

I cant find web site of you clan, can you give it to me? When i played in ESL league we never let to cheat to anyone. I am courious is it same in your clan...

Présentation des membres / Re : Hello a tous !
« le: 22 août 2012, 21:57:57 »

Thanks for Your suggestion, I will do my best to keep this guy away from regular game.


Présentation des membres / Re : Hello a tous !
« le: 22 août 2012, 13:16:23 »
I almost cry... you hate hackers.  :o

So how can you explain your multiple aliases? John Killforce, Shooter Swagger, Angers of Wolves (with multihack), wallhackguy (again with multihack), patate86, MULTIHACKNumbeR1 (lovely, multihack again) and last one ikillyoujohnnoob... for confirmation link (see player aliases section) http://midnightsg.gameme.com/playerinfo/161114

You have not enough skill to fight straight and You like hacking. I remember when I smacked you all the time you just left for a while from server and when you came back you had multihack. Yesterday i played against you (you used Angers of wolves alias) and that was funny. If I find your GUID you will be reported to PBBans and GGC (yes, I have permission since i played Battlefield 2 in 2005) but to be frank I think they dont care about cheaters and hackers. You wrote this clear above. Enjoy this.

So, keep cheating, have fun from you bought skill (just aimbot or complete multihack?). How much did you paid for this? 30 usd?

You mean nothing to me, I despise you. Without hack you are just average player. When I played in ESL league you choose to spend 30 usd and buy some skill :D You should switch alias for JohnMultiHackKillforce.

Last thing I have question for admin of this site (moh-france.com): how is it possible to keep cheater with you, guys? Moh-france.co tolerate hakcers??
He deserve for ban, not only in moh2010, but on every forum where he is a user.

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