moi non plus, je cherche aussi une liste de commande pour le moteur unreal 3 mais j'ai pas trouvé grand chôse :cry:
Je l'est même imprimer lol mais malheuresuement c'est commande ne marche que la console serveur dedié donc je vais pas revenir du jeu juste pour kicker un mec
Developers Console1) Right-click the Airborne Demo desktop icon, select Properties2) Go to the Shortcut tab, look for the Target: line.3) the line will end with: \MOHADemo.exe" (including the " mark). Add a single space after the " , then type in: -enableconsole4) The line should now look something like this (first part may be different depending on where you installed it): "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Medal of Honor Airborne Demo\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\MOHADemo.exe" -enableconsole5) Click Apply, the OK.6) Start the demo.7) Once in gameplay, press the tilde key ( ~ ) to bring up the console.FPS CounterTo count your computers Frame Per Seconds or FPS in the Medal of Honor Airborne demo, type the following in the developers console.stat fps 1 (with spaces) And then hit enter.To turn off the FPS counter type the following. stat fps 0ALLAMMO - Gives full ammo for all weaponsALLWEAPONS - Gives you all weaponsFLY - You can fly aroundGHOST - Noclip through wallsGOD - God ModeLOADED - Gives all weapons, ammo, and 100 adrenalineWALK - You stop flyingPlayer \\ Bot CommandsADD BOTS [number] - Adds the specified number of botsBEHINDVIEW 1 - Changes to third person viewBEHINDVIEW 0 - Changes to first person viewDISCONNECT - Disconnect from current serverEXIT - Quits the gameKILLBOTS - Gets rid of all botsOPEN [IP address] - Connect to a specific server IPOPEN [mapname] - Opens specified mapQUIT - Quits the gameRECONNECT - Reconnect to the current serverSWITCHLEVEL [mapname] - Switches to the specified levelSWITCHTEAM - Switch your player\'s teamSUICIDE - Kills yourselfTEAMSAY [text] - Displays your message in team chatPLAYERSONLY - Freezes \\ pauses the botsSAY [text] - Displays your message in global chatSETNAME [playername] - Changes your player nameStatisticsMEM STAT - Displays Windows memory usageSTAT ALL - Shows all statsSTAT AUDIO - Shows audio statsSTAT FPS - Displays your frames per secondSTAT GAME - Displays game statsSTAT HARDWARE - Shows hardware statsSTAT NET - Shows network game play statsSTAT NONE - Turns off all statsSTAT RENDER - Displays rendering statisticsDemo CommandsDEMOPLAY [demoname] - Plays the specified demoDEMOREC [demoname] - Records a demo using the demoname you typeSTOPDEMO - Stop recording a demoAdmin CommandsADMIN SWITCHLEVEL [mapname?game=gametype?mutator=mutator] - Changes the current level to the specified level, game type and mutatorsADMIN [command] - Performs the specified commandADMINLOGIN [password] - Logs the admininstrator onto the server using the specified passwordADMINLOGOUT - Logs the administrator off the server.ADMIN SET UWeb.Webserver bEnabled True - Enables the remote admin webserver (after level change)ADMIN SET UWeb.Webserver bEnabled False - Disables the remote admin webserver (after level change)KICK [playername] - Kicks the specified player from the serverKICKBAN [playername] - Kicks and bans the specified player from the server using their IP address. To unban the player, edit the server.ini or use the web admin interfaceOther CommandsBRIGHTNESS [number] - Changes the brightness level to the specified numberCDTRACK [number] - Plays the specified CD track numberCONFIGHASH - Displays configuration infoCONTRAST [number] - Changes the contrast level to the specified numberDEBUG CRASH - Test crashes the game with an errorDEBUG EATMEM - Tests memory allocation until fullDEBUG GPF - Test crashes the game with a general protection fault errorDEBUG RECURSE - Test crashes the game by infinite recursionDUMPCACHE - Displays the memory gcache contentsEXEC [filename] - Executes a file in the UT2003 /system/ directory by defaultFLUSH - Flushes all caches and relightsFOV [number] - Changes the field of view to the specified numberGAMMA [number] - Changes the gamma level to the specified numberGETCOLORDEPTHS - Displays the maximum color depth supported by your hardwareGETCURRENTCOLORDEPTHS - Displays your current color depthGETCURRENTRES - Displays your current resolutionGETCURRENTTICKRATE - Displays your current tick rateGETMAXTICKRATE - Displays the maximum allowed tick rateMUSICORDER [number] - Change to a certain track in the song (0=ambient, 1=action, 2=suspense)NETSPEED [number] - Sets the net speed, default is 10000OBJ CLASSES - Displays a list of object classesOBJ GARBAGE - Collects and purges objects no longer in useOBJ HASH - Displays object hashing statisticsOBJ LINKERS - Displays a list of active linkersPAUSESOUNDS - Pauses all soundsPREFERENCES - Opens advanced settingsRELAUNCH - Relaunches the engineREPORT - Copies a report of the current game to clipboardSET [class variable value] - Sets a specified class and specified variable with the specified valueSETSENSITIVITY [number] - Sets the mouse sensitivity to the specified numberSETRES [WxHxD] - Sets your screen resolution to the specified width, height, and color depthSLOMO 1 - Sets the speed of the game back to normal real time speedSLOMO 2 - Sets speed to double. Increase number to go fasterSLOMO .5 - Sets speed to half. Decrease number to go slowerSOCKETS - Displays a list of sockets in useTOGGLEFULLSCREEN - Toggles fullscreen modeTYPE [text] - Displays the specified text on the consoleUNPAUSESOUNDS - Un-pauses all soundsMost don't work though
SETNAME [playername] - Changes your player name
Citer SETNAME [playername] - Changes your player name mdrrrr
Citation de: "newww"Citer SETNAME [playername] - Changes your player name mdrrrr dega essayer il y a 4 jours , marche pas